Report a concern and help stop the
health system haemorrhage.

Report a concern
Our free reporting services are for anyone who cares about payment integrity and the sustainability of the Australian health system.
You can report a concern in two ways.
1. Send us a short summary of your concern using a simple form.
2. Complete the Medichecker survey.
We understand that you may prefer to remain anonymous and both options respect this choice. However, if you choose to report anonymously, please be mindful that we may be unable to assist or progress your concerns.
For details about how we handle your information please read our privacy policy.
It’s hard to know where to report concerns about health practitioner payments and billing arrangements given the current maze of regulators.
By using this free service, we will help you navigate a path through the regulatory maze by:
- Reviewing the information you submit and providing our expert
opinion on whether there is legitimate cause for concern, and - If appropriate, pointing you to the appropriate authority to report
your concern or lodge a complaint.
Simply fill out the form below and we will be in contact.
Fraud, waste, and abuse are rampant in Medicare.
In April 2023, a study found that 29.6% of GPs, billed for a higher paying service than was true “at least once”, even when they knew their billing behaviour was being watched. Then came a cancer company, psychologists, podiatrists, anaesthetists, surgeons and pathologists.
By taking our 5-minute survey you will help us show the government the truth about the size of the Medicare leakage problem.
See all Fraud, Waste and Abuse ResourcesFEATURED VIDEOS

The most in-depth courses on the operation of the Australian health system and medical billing are right here, together with courses on pharmacy, cybersecurity and more!
Courses for Health Professionals