Public Hospital billing

3 March 25

If Doctor A writes a named referral to Doctor B from Doctor A’s private rooms to a public hospital outpatient clinic and through the triage process Doctor A is assigned the patient to treat in the public hospital outpatient clinic can MBS be claimed? Would the referral from the private rooms be able to be utilised in billing as the referring Doctor and treating Doctor are the same but have different provider numbers.

3 February 25

What happens to billing of a private patient in a public hospital who undergoes solid organ (other than kidney) transplantation? There is no MBS item billable for this so it can’t be billed to the patient’s private insurance, so can the hospital just change them back to public or does the patient have to be involved in that decision? Follow-up question asked. This updated context was provided. I think the situation is a bit more complex because it is not correct that patients are aware at the time of admission that they require a solid organ transplant, unless they are admitted to hospital from a transplant waiting list. A significant proportion of liver, heart, lung transplant patients are admitted to hospital with an infection, poisoning or trauma, that eventually leads to irrecoverable organ failure and a requirement for transplantation – sometimes months into the admission. If we follow the logic in your answer, anyone who has any chance of developing end stage organ failure that could be then eligible for a transplant should be admitted by default as public, which would be counterintuitive. So to be more specific, the question would be this: How should a hospital and clinicians approach a situation when a patient admitted with an acute condition (NOT previously on a transplant list) develops end stage organ failure and requires liver, heart, lung, etc transplantation during the course of their hospital admission (a good example would be a community acquired pneumonia or chest trauma leading into complicated...

17 November 24

This question relates to medical specialists exercising rights of private practice in public hospital outpatient departments. The questioner wanted to know if both Dr ABC and XYZ can use the referral in this context, given they are both named on it. In addition, the questioner had received advice that a “named referral” under the National Health Reform Agreement can only have one name on it, not two. The advice was that the referral had to have “a” name on it, and this was therefore an invalid referral. 

3 October 24

The question was posed in the context of public hospital outpatient services where clinicians can bulk bill when exercising a Right of Private Practice providing all other criteria are met. The questioner wanted to know how they easily determine which item numbers should be claimed at 75% and which 85% because the Private Health Insurance (Benefit Requirement) Rules do not seem to include some MBS item numbers that are relevant to outpatient services and normally claimed at 85% of the schedule fee, such as telehealth and face-to-face consults, and the associated bulk bill incentives.

30 September 24

I’m a Nurse Practitioner working in a small rural centre. I am a public employee 4 days a week and work privately on one day in the co-located primary health clinic/urgent care centre, which I bulk bill. A GP has left, and I have been asked to cover the clinic on two of my hospital days until a replacement is found. On these two days I am paid by the hospital as I still cover the emergency department. I have been asked to bulk bill the patients I see at the clinic on these two days even though I will be simultaneously being paid by the hospital. Both entities are wholly owned by the public health service, and it does not have a section 19(2) exemption. The GPs who work in the clinic are not employees of the public health service like me.

30 September 24

My question is regarding clarification of billing case conferences for day rehab patients. These patients are ‘admitted’ as inpatients on the day they attend. However, I perform the case conference with the team on a day they are not coming in for day rehab. For example, a patient may attend day rehab on Monday and Friday, but I do their case conference on a Wednesday when all the team members are present. Billing options: 880: inpatient case conference 825: community outpatient case conference. Up until this point I have been billing an 880 regardless of whether the patient has been admitted that day or not, but should I be billing an 825 instead? I don’t have a preference either way, but I think the 880 sounds more reasonable to me. Hopefully that makes sense but clarification around this would be great.

30 September 24

Is there the same concept of Rights to Private Practice for Sessional VMOs? We have not been able to locate any specific information on this combination. Essentially are we allowed to bill MBS for pain medicine consults under the Sessional VMO name (with referrals in place) and retain that billing to offset our costs? The facility was a public facility located in NSW.

27 September 24

If I see patients referred to me in the public clinic, and they are unwell and require admission to hospital at presentation to the clinic as patients with chronic disease sometimes are, do I need a separate referral from the referring GP or other senior doctor to admit them to the private hospital?

28 January 21

A hospital billing manager asked: If we have a public inpatient that is discharged from the brain injury unit to the outpatient clinic for follow up (at this point no previous Medicare billing would have taken place as they were a public patient) and the GP writes a specific referral for the patient to see a specialist post inpatient discharge (different specialist from their inpatient stay).  The patient is seen in the outpatient clinic for > 1 hr.  Can we bill a 132, given that no previous billing has occurred?  The factors here are that the patient is referred to a new service by a GP; no previous 132 has been raised.

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