Can a nurse practitioner bill Medicare for public outpatients when the nurse practitioner is simultaneously being paid by a hospital that does not have a section 19(2) exemption?


I’m a Nurse Practitioner working in a small rural centre. I am a public employee 4 days a week and work privately on one day in the co-located primary health clinic/urgent care centre, which I bulk bill. A GP has left, and I have been asked to cover the clinic on two of my hospital days until a replacement is found. On these two days I am paid by the hospital as I still cover the emergency department. I have been asked to bulk bill the patients I see at the clinic on these two days even though I will be simultaneously being paid by the hospital. Both entities are wholly owned by the public health service, and it does not have a section 19(2) exemption. The GPs who work in the clinic are not employees of the public health service like me.

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