Should I bill an inpatient case conference or a community case conference when I organise and coordinate a case conference on a day when the patient is not admitted?


My question is regarding clarification of billing case conferences for day rehab patients. These patients are ‘admitted’ as inpatients on the day they attend. However, I perform the case conference with the team on a day they are not coming in for day rehab. For example, a patient may attend day rehab on Monday and Friday, but I do their case conference on a Wednesday when all the team members are present. Billing options: 880: inpatient case conference 825: community outpatient case conference. Up until this point I have been billing an 880 regardless of whether the patient has been admitted that day or not, but should I be billing an 825 instead? I don’t have a preference either way, but I think the 880 sounds more reasonable to me. Hopefully that makes sense but clarification around this would be great.

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