Here’s a summary of PSR cases and other FWA activity PSR Case Reports December 2024 In the month of December 12 section 92 agreements came into effect. 10 of the agreements were made with GPs, one with an Ophthalmologist and one with a Paediatrician. Eight GPs were disqualified from billing certain items for a period. The maximum repayment across all practitioners for December was $635,000, which was enforced against a GP who was ranked 1st and 2nd nationally for billing MBS items 5067 and 90051, which are both residential aged care facility services including in the afterhours period. The findings against this GP included that the practitioner’s record keeping was inadequate, and MBS requirements were not always met including minimum time requirements and the item 5067 services were not always provided in the afterhours period. This GP has been disqualified from billing nine MBS services for 12 months. The Ophthalmologist was not disqualified but will repay $178,000. The findings against this practitioner related to services not being clinically relevant, not that the services were not provided. This case is another reminder that the threshold requirement before you bill any MBS item is that the service must be clinically relevant, meaning necessary. It is irrelevant that you provided all elements of the service strictly in accordance with the MBS requirements if the service was not clinically necessary in the first place. Put another way, you cannot provide services just because they are there. You patients must need them. The Paediatrician billed home visits, face-to-face and telehealth consultations in excess of 99%...
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